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BAŞLIK : How Do I Install the Script I Purchased ?


Hello Dear Customers;

Today I will try to explain to you in detail how you can install the scripts you have purchased.

Since our scripts are php, the installations are more or less the same logic. There are just a few mistakes that have been made, and I'll tell him.


First of all, you purchased the script and uploaded your files to your cpanel or plesk panel.
You will need to open the database later. Please pay attention here when opening the database (put the database user name and database database name the same)
To give an example : Database Name : xxxx_web / Database User xxx_web As you can see, I wrote the same thing in both places.
Then, after determining your password, after creating your database.Upload the SQL file to your phpmyadmin.
Finally, in your files (config.php/ connect.php/connect.php /database.php or db.php ) find your php settings file where you will write your database information in the name and enter your database settings. 
If you complete all these steps correctly, your installation will be successful.

#Thank you for choosing us, good work!

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