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1.1.This agreement is signed by Aydınlıkevler Mh. 2044 Sk. No:27/A Isımtescil Bilişim A, which carries out national/international sales and marketing activities, accounting and billing services, call center and online support service activities at the address Yenişehir /Mersin Turkey, registered at the Umraniye Tax Office with tax number 3850663112.Sh. (Hereinafter referred to as WEBSOFT, the website (this is“İ ”) by purchasing Nametescil products and services through İ it has been accepted between the relevant form contained in the and the natural or legal person whose information has been received (hereinafter referred to as the CUSTOMER) in accordance with the following Decrees and conditions.
The contract comes into force with the CUSTOMER's purchase of the product from WEBSOFT. Even if the CUSTOMER subscribes by making monthly payments, this agreement is indefinite.
2.1.It covers the terms, conditions and limits of the services related to the publication of the web pages and information designed by the customer in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation on the Internet using the servers of the service provider with the approval of the Customer's agreements on this agreement and other services related to the agreement.
2.2.Your electronic acceptance of this Agreement means that this Agreement and the one attached with it by reference to this Agreement it will mean that you have read, understood, agreed to the corporate policies and/or agreements contained in the named web address and that you agree that the provisions of this Agreement are binding on you.
2.3.The service provided by WEBSOFT to the CUSTOMER basically consists of hosting the CUSTOMER's websites and/or database on WEBSOFT servers and publishing them over the internet network. The CUSTOMER may receive any of the “Web Hosting”, “Reseller Web Hosting” or “Mail Hosting” services individually and/or together within the scope of this agreement.
2.4.The CUSTOMER uses this Service(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out here It is considered that he has agreed to comply with all WEBSOFT policies and procedures published on.
2.5.The business is subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, WEBSOFT will provide services that will provide maximum continuity and the required result by using any reasonable resources that may be during the term of the Agreement. The CUSTOMER accepts, without limitation, that in some cases the Services may not be accessible or may not be operated.
2.6.The CUSTOMER acknowledges that WEBSOFT has no control over the continuity or discontinuity of the Services and that these are not guaranteed.
2.7.WEBSOFT carries out the necessary works to ensure the continuity of the Services provided to the CUSTOMER.
2.8.SSL Certificate; Any SSL Certificate purchased from WEBSOFT or another service provider for use with WEBSOFT Services is designed for its own private use, as defined in the agreement specified by the provider, and cannot be transferred to any other web hosting service from the server on which it is used. In case the CUSTOMER uses an SSL Certificate on the website hosted on WEBSOFT servers, WEBSOFT creates the associated private key and stores it in a secure environment.
2.9.Reseller Hosting Hosting; Business subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, WEBSOFT grants a non-transferable franchise right to the CUSTOMER (RESELLER) for the sale of the “Reseller Hosting Hosting” service and some of its Services. In this context, the RESELLER owns the ”Plesk and cPanel Control Panel" about the use and cannot transfer, sell or rent this right.
The DEALER is responsible for all records, data, services, contents and transactions kept under his/her Accounts. The DEALER is obliged to provide support to its own CUSTOMERS (sub-dealers, users, members). WEBSOFT only provides Dealer Account and limited Control Panel support to the DEALER. If it is determined that WEBSOFT's Products or Services have been copied or used without permission, the DEALER is obliged to inform WEBSOFT immediately. WEBSOFT will hold the DEALER responsible for all kinds of transactions and actions of the DEALER's CUSTOMERS that are contrary to the law or contrary to the service Agreement. The DEALER will be responsible for the compensation of all material and moral damages that its CUSTOMERS may cause to WEBSOFT. In case WEBSOFT pays a payment in this regard, the DEALER reserves the right of recourse. The RESELLER may provide some WEBSOFT Services to its CUSTOMERS by using its own brand and name. Without the written consent of RESELLER WEBSOFT, the information obtained by WEBSOFT in the form of all kinds of procedures, documents, know-how, projects, trade secrets and confidential information that constitute the subject of Intellectual and Industrial Property, including Trademarks, Patents and Industrial Designs, is provided by him or 3. It cannot be used in favor of persons and 3. It cannot be shared with people and institutions.
2.10. Additional Services and October 3. Party Applications; (Trademark Registration, Mail Marketing, Litespeed, Installatron, etc.) The CUSTOMER may benefit from the Services and/or Products and/or Applications offered by WEBSOFT in addition to some Services (all of which will be called “Services” from now on). Oct. In this case, WEBSOFT cannot be held responsible for any errors, damages, losses and/or malfunctions that may arise from these Services provided by third parties / institutions. WEBSOFT does not provide support and guarantees related to these Services.
2.11. The CUSTOMER accepts, declares and undertakes in advance that accounts with a high number of files, database tables and/or the size of database, mailbox sizes may cause a decrease in server performance and that they are limited by NAMETESIL under this agreement. By WEBSOFT ; the usage limit for the total number of tables in databases is 5,000 units, the limit for the number of tables in a database is 1,000 units, the total size limit of databases is 10 GB, the size limit of a database is 5 GB, the disk space per mailbox domain is 8 GB, and the limit limit is set. If the limits set out in this article are exceeded by the CUSTOMER, WEBSOFT may request the CUSTOMER to reduce the number of files by notifying in writing or verbally (phone or e-mail). The CUSTOMER agrees, declares and undertakes to reduce the number of files / perform the necessary operations within the time allowed by WEBSOFT for him. If the CUSTOMER does not reduce the number of files requested by WEBSOFT/ does not take the necessary actions, WEBSOFT has the right to suspend the service or terminate the service without any notification or notification
3.1.The CUSTOMER accepts and declares that the information provided during Registration / Application is correct and complete. The CUSTOMER agrees that the disclosure of all identity and contact information, including the Turkish Identity Number declared during membership, in accordance with the truth is mandatory and prerequisite for the valid establishment of this Agreement. If it is subsequently determined by WEBSOFT that the CUSTOMER's information is incorrect or incomplete, upon notification by WEBSOFT, this inaccuracy or deficiency will be corrected by the CUSTOMER within 2 days. Otherwise, WEBSOFT has the right to terminate this agreement unilaterally for a justified reason, immediately, as well as without the need for a warning and notification. Any compensation, pay, refund, compensation, etc. due to the termination of the service provided by the CUSTOMER WEBSOFT due to the termination of the contract or due to the termination of the contract performed by WEBSOFT for this reason. he accepts, declares and undertakes that he cannot make requests. Due to the incomplete or erroneous information provided, the CUSTOMER agrees, declares and undertakes to compensate all kinds of damages of WEBSOFT, including damages that may be incurred by Persons caused by inaccuracies or omissions in such information.
3.2.All notifications made to the Customer's E-Mail Address (E-Mail) are deemed to have been made to the Customer in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Notification Law. The customer is obliged to keep the contact e-mail address up-to-date and to notify the service provider of the address changes. Otherwise, the notification made to the e-mail address registered in the system is considered to have been made to the customer himself personally.
3.3.The CUSTOMER may not engage in any behavior that will harm WEBSOFT CUSTOMERS, its commercial reputation and reputation. In such cases, WEBSOFT may terminate the contract, suspend, freeze, etc. he reserves all kinds of rights. In the event of such a situation, the CUSTOMER cannot make any claim for material and/or moral damage and cannot fall under the responsibility of WEBSOFT. Otherwise, the CUSTOMER agrees, declares and undertakes that WEBSOFT will compensate for any damages caused by this situation.
3.4.By signing this business agreement, the CUSTOMER declares and undertakes that he/she accepts the terms of use of the service. The CUSTOMER is obliged to sign this Agreement, communicate by electronic mail, web publications and all kinds of transactions related to this subscription.C. it accepts and undertakes not to act contrary to its laws, legislative decrees, statutes and regulations and general morality and decency, and that it is fully responsible for the content of web pages, FTP and other Internet services belonging to it or its CUSTOMERS.
3.5.WEBSOFT Hosting Servers are hosted at the Data Center in Turkey. No written, audio or visual content and materials presented on WEBSOFT Servers may be contrary to the Laws of the Republic of Turkey and other legislative provisions. Otherwise, all material and moral responsibilities that arise and will arise belong to the CUSTOMER, and the CUSTOMER acknowledges and declares that the Service Provider has no obligations in this regard
Websoft Web™ Information and Digital Advertising Agency (referred to as “Websoft Web” for short.) To the users themselves personal data transmitted electronically via the website (the "Website") or mobile applications will not be shared, sold or used for different purposes, except as described in the “Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698” and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The “Personal Data and General Privacy Policy” of Websoft Web is given below.
IP Numbers: In order to identify problems related to the system, to fix problems that may occur on the website / mobile applications urgently, and to notify legal authorities according to legal procedures and principles when necessary, Websoft Web detects and uses the IP address of users when necessary. IP addresses can also be used to identify users in a general (anonymous) way and to collect comprehensive demographic information.
Anonymous Data: Information requested by Websoft Web or information provided by the user or information related to transactions made via the Website/Mobile Application may be used anonymously by Websoft Web and the people with whom it cooperates (without revealing the user's identity) for various statistical evaluations, database creation, offering personalized packages/offers and Sunday research.
Providing links to other sites: Websoft Web may provide links to other sites within the Website /Mobile Application. Websoft Web does not bear any responsibility for the privacy practices and content of the sites accessed through the link.
Bank/ Credit Card Information: Websoft Web uses an SSL certificate that provides information security with a 256-bit encryption algorithm for data transmission. The bank / credit card information of the users is used only by the bank or paying institution during the purchase process and is not stored in the database in any way. Websoft Web can offer an infrastructure where card information can be stored through PCI DSS certified institutions to facilitate users' next purchase transactions. As a result of Card Storage Services that have PCI DSS standard and are licensed by BRSA, the information contained on debit/credit cards facilitates Authentication and Authorization steps, providing debit/credit card holders the opportunity to use a secure and easy paying tool.
Situations where user data may be disclosed: The personal data belonging to the user includes first name, last name, address, phone number, e-mail address and all kinds of information aimed at identifying the user. Websoft Web will not disclose any of the personal data to other third parties except for affiliated companies with which Websoft Web cooperates, unless otherwise stated in this privacy policy. In the following cases, Websoft Web may disclose user information to third parties by going outside the provisions of this privacy policy. These situations are;
Law, Decree in the Force of Law, Regulation, etc. compliance with the obligations imposed by the legal rules issued by the competent legal authority and in force;
Fulfilling the requirements of the agreements concluded by Websoft Web with users and putting them into practice;
These are cases where it is necessary to request information about users for the purpose of conducting a duly conducted research or investigation by the competent administrative and judicial authority and to provide information in order to protect the rights or security of Users.
Websoft Web undertakes to keep confidential information strictly private and confidential, to consider it my burden to keep a secret, and to take all necessary measures and show due diligence to ensure and maintain confidentiality, to prevent all or any part of confidential information from entering the public domain or unauthorized use or disclosure to a third party.
Status of cookies (cookies): Websoft Web, users and information about users' use of the Website, itself or 3. it can obtain a technical communication file (Cookie-Cookie) prepared by the parties by using it. The aforementioned technical communication files are small text files that a website sends to the user's browser to be stored in main memory. The technical communication file stores the user's session information, password and preferences, ensuring that the session remains open, and makes it easier to use by recognizing the user on the next visit. The technical communication file helps to obtain statistical information about how many people use the Website, for what purpose a person visits the Website, how many times and how long he stays, and to dynamically generate ads and content from user pages specially designed for users. The technical communication file is not designed to retrieve data or any other personal information from the main memory or e-mail. Most browsers are designed to accept the technical communication file at first, but users can change the settings to ensure that the technical communication file does not arrive or that the technical communication file is alerted when it is sent.
Data collected in surveys, contests and similar situations: The information requested from users who respond to periodic surveys and contests organized by Websoft Web within the Website is used by Websoft Web and its collaborators to conduct direct marketing to these users, conduct statistical analysis and create a database.
E-newsletter submissions and announcements: Websoft Web sends weekly e-newsletters to inform its users about economic developments, the agenda and their fields. If necessary, or 3. in case of agreement with the party partners, the party may send Campaign / Offer / Package announcements with promotional and informational content. When you create an account on our system for the first time, you accept e-mail and SMS messages as standard. Users can prevent these e-mails from reaching them by clicking on the specified link, as explained at the bottom of the e-mail. In addition, there are possibilities to block them in your user panel. Daily e at any time.if you want to get off our mailing list, the e-mail we can easily exit the e-newsletter membership with one click by clicking on the "Please click to exit our e-newsletter list" link located at the bottom of the e-mails.
General information about the Personal Data Law
March April 7, 2016 The Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data was adopted on March 24, 2016 and published in the Official Gazette No. 29677 dated April 7, 2016. The European Union Data Protection Directive (EU General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) entered into force on May 25, 2018. As the data controller within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the European Union Data Protection Directive (EU General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR), you will save, classify, process, store, update the personal data of our valued customers and, if permitted by the legislative rules and your consent, 3. We will be able to disclose it to people and inform you about our mutual rights and obligations within the scope of this legal arrangement.
Information in the capacity of data controller
As Websoft Web, whose detailed corporate information is published below, in accordance with the above-mentioned laws, in the capacity of Data Controller, your personal data will be stored, stored, updated within the framework described below, in cases permitted by legislation 3. it can be disclosed/transferred to persons, classified and processed.
Definition of Personal Data Within the Scope of the Law
Your party's identity card (name, surname, date of birth, Turkish identity number, etc.), communication, information about the methods used during access to products (IP, mobile phone brand-model, browser type, version, social media information, movements performed on screens, etc.), as well as expressing all kinds of information that will allow you to be decisive or determinable.
How your personal data may be processed
according to KVKK No. 6698 and EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR, your personal data that you share with our company is obtained, saved, stored, modified, rearranged, in whole or in part, automatically, or by non-automatic means, provided that it is part of any data recording system, by recording, storing, changing, rearranging; subject to ensuring security and confidentiality within the scope of legislation: by disclosure, transfer, acquisition, making available, classification or preventing its use, in short, all kinds of processing performed on the data may be processed by us as a subject. All kinds of transactions performed on the data within the scope of the above-mentioned laws are considered as “processing of personal data”.
The purposes and legal reasons for the processing of your personal data
The personal data you share;
To be able to make the requirements of the services we provide to our customers in accordance with the requirements of the contract and technology, to be able to improve our offered products and services,
To be able to officially invoice all the products and services we offer after the purchase,
To comply with the information storage, reporting and information obligations stipulated by the legislation and other authorities,
In order to be able to provide information to prosecutors, courts and relevant public officials in matters related to public security and legal disputes, upon request and in accordance with legislation,
It will be processed in accordance with the scope, procedures and principles of the KVKK No. 6698 and the EU General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR.